Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

And so we quietly let the new year in this year....I cooked up a nice meal for the mrs, a nice shrimp pasta recipe that is REAL simple, just prep takes a bit longer than the actual cooking.

3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
12 oz. Shrimp - Cleaned & Deveined
2 Garlic Cloves - Finely Chopped
1/3 Cup Brandy
4 Cups Canned Tomatoes - Chopped
2-3 Tablespoons Heavy Cream
1 Pound of Spaghetti
1 Small Bunch of Fresh Parsley - Finely Chopped
Salt & Pepper -
To Taste Dash of Red Pepper Flakes

Heat oil in heavy skillet over medium heat. Put pasta on to cook while doing this. Add shrimp and cook 1-2 minutes until pink, then remove into a separate dish. Add garlic & stir once or twice. Next, add the brandy and cook till reduced by half. Add tomatoes, salt & pepper & red pepper flakes, and cook uncovered over medium heat 5-6 minutes. Stir in the cream, lower heat & mix in shrimp just until just heated through. Mix shrimp sauce with cooked pasta, and serve with parsley sprinkled over top.

Simple and easy. I had to stop and buy a bottle of brandy....and picked up a bottle of red wine. Then a nice quiet evening....then to bed early.....

How was YOUR new year?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yum....that sounds good. Simple or not? I'd find a way to mess it up!!

My New Year's was quiet. So quiet, I was in bed and asleep by 11:30. Go me, right?

10:45 AM, January 01, 2008  
Blogger Chris H said...

Bloody hell, you are turning into a cook!!! Wonders will never cease! Sounds nice though, hope the Mrs enjoyed it? WE sat in the lounge and watched TV, just Stew and I.... it was nice. WE are totally 'over' the parties and fireworks etc, it is afterall, just another day really.

2:31 PM, January 01, 2008  
Blogger Queen of the Mayhem said...

You had me at heavy cream!

Happy new year! :)

3:51 PM, January 01, 2008  
Blogger Ann(ie) said...

OH my LORDY that sounds heavenly. As a rule I am a fan of any dish that calls for heavy cream!

11:30 PM, January 02, 2008  
Blogger Attila the Mom said...

Happy New Years back atcha!

Hugs to all!

2:16 AM, January 05, 2008  
Blogger Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Yum Yum Yum....

thanks for the recipe!

I had a great NY.
I made my pot of lima beans/ham soup for good luck!!
and... honey cornbread....

10:45 AM, January 05, 2008  
Blogger Angel said...

Uncle Car that sounds fantastic.
I'm a lover of the shrimpy's myself.
Went to bed early? ON new years?
Crazy!! You two should have been having some one on one time...bow chica bow wow!

5:47 PM, January 10, 2008  

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