Saturday, January 12, 2008

I really, really, really hate Target.

I know, I know., Some of you absolutely LOVE Target. Hell some of you wont even move because your so close to Target that its 180 seconds away.

BUT, I must have the Ghetto Target or something, or the rejected one. Because I get nothing but problems at mine. Seriously, my wife sent me out for ink for the printed, and Walmart didn't have it they were out, so I decided to go to Target against my better judgement rather than the supply store.....and what happens you ask?

I get "mugged" in the parking lot by a religious type and preached to and try to converted! Seriously, I get to my car and he is in the next car sitting there, like he's stalking people, and gets out as I unlock the door and starts with "I know you weren't expecting this..."

Of course not! Who expects to get preached to in a Target parking lot!

I do NOT have these problems at Walmart, let me tell you.....

I SO hate Target.


Blogger Chris H said...

Ah the joys of preachers try to convert you... hope you handled the situation with some tact? I wouldn't have that's for sure! I am downright rude.

11:44 PM, January 12, 2008  
Blogger Ann(ie) said...

I get it. I really do. Except it's reversed for me. I live by the ghetto Walmart so I'll drive the distance to get to the somewhat normal Target.

1:15 AM, January 13, 2008  
Blogger Queen of the Mayhem said...

You must look like you are going to Hell.....just sayin! (hee-hee)

5:34 PM, January 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what if one of the reasons I didn't want to move is because I'm 180 seconds from the Mothership?! :)

You must have the Ghetto Target--for us, that would be Wal-Hell. I admit, if I was preached to, I'd be bent.

Sorry you have a hatred for Target...I still like you :)

10:44 AM, January 14, 2008  
Blogger karatemom said...

lol @ your story ..

I've moved.
you can now find me @

I need this to be my focus right now this is what i love and who i am.


11:00 AM, January 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came over from Kellie's sight, but now that I see you hate Target, I just might not come back. LOL! Seriously though, Wal-Mart is the enemy!

10:28 PM, January 15, 2008  
Blogger carmachu said...

welcome sterlingirl!

Sorry, I have the ghetto target. Target is the rocks!

10:32 PM, January 15, 2008  
Blogger Deb said...

Holy craptastic! Did you tell them that you are the antichrist and that you ritualistically slaughter young animals?

I normally say something along those lines and they leave me alone!

8:23 AM, January 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wal-Mart is the anti-christ of retail.

Resist! Resist!

6:39 PM, January 17, 2008  

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