Sunday, January 13, 2008

Had a scare the other day.

Had a scare at walmart today. Family shopping trip.

You know shopping carts? There the frame with wheels, then the cart itself thats attacked to the wheel frame.

Well....christopher was in his car seat in the seat part, just sitting in his carseat unstrapped.....and the metal bars holding the cart part in the rear gave way....causing the back of teh cart to collapse.

Luckily mommy was there to keep christopher ok, plus the pack of paper towels underneath prevented it from coming all the way out. Otherwise....dump the baby out.

One assossiate came out almost immediately....apparantly the caught it on camera.....


Blogger Chris H said...

wow! That must have been scarey, thank god bub wasn't hurt.

1:24 PM, January 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy CRAP!! That would've freaked me out. So glad he wasn't hurt!!

6:14 PM, January 15, 2008  
Blogger Ann(ie) said...

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? That's terribly scary. So glad he's okay!!

1:48 AM, January 21, 2008  

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