Saturday, February 09, 2008

No good deed goes unpunished.

Sarah and I went for a walk yesterday. Just daddy and daughter....we needed a pencil sharpener for her work, so we stopped in Rite Aide...and of course she asked for stuff and I said no.

More asking and I said no....but I said you could pick out a toy for Christopher. Because you know, he's new and hasnt gotten alot of presents. She liked that idea.

Lots of toys to choose form but we settled on a plushie loking calculator with a mirror type surface that he can look in, and press the buttons and it makes noises. SO we get home and open it and give it to him and he likes the mirror and we press the buttons....

And he cries and screams.

Thinking he had gas or something we try again. He cries and screams.....a third time confirms it.....

He hates the toy. It makes him cry.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor baby!! A friend's little boy is deathly afraid of any toy that sings or moves of makes any type of noise.


12:22 PM, February 09, 2008  
Blogger Chris H said...

Ha ha, that is so funny! He will eventually get used to it I'm sure.... in the meantime Sarah can play with it!

2:13 PM, February 09, 2008  
Blogger karatemom said...

hahahah that is hillarious

4:43 PM, February 09, 2008  
Blogger Queen of the Mayhem said...

Junior Mayhem was terrified of anything that played music...OH WELL! Another present for Sarah!

5:21 PM, February 10, 2008  
Blogger Angel said...

That's wonderful that sarah liked the idea of getting him a gift though. I'd be pretty freaked out too if someone handed me a cute doohicky and out of nowhere it started making noises.

1:50 PM, February 23, 2008  

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