Friday, May 25, 2007

Crap on a stick!

See what happens when you say ok to getting added to someone's blog roll? You get tagged by some semi-nice lady....*grin*

Nainaashley over at Far from the daily Grind tagged me for 10 things about me.....

So without further ado...and in random order:

1)My handle makes up a bit more than half my first name. But I'll keep you guessing as to which letters.

2) I tend to have more friends that are female than male. Which has lead to some saying I'm "one of the girls". Now I have to decide if I'm flattered or insulted....

3)One of them called me transexual, because it was the only thing that made sense.

4) I have one little 4 year old girl and a little boy on the way in August.

5)I love to read. I have tons of books of all types, much to sometimes the mrs chagrin. We actually have a small room filled with bookshelves filled with books, which sadly....I now have to box them all up to make room for the new little boy....

6)I'm a sucker for carnivals. While growing up, we didnt have alot, but dad always took us to ones that were in town....So I have that same love and it looks like sarah will too.

7)I'm a smartass. And sarah is follwoing in my footsteps. You've been warned.

8) I like playing RPG's(thats roleplaying games) and table top miniature games

9)I am NOT a princess, either now or in a past life. Although I definately am raising one.

10)And uhm....the mrs and I STILL cant agree on a boy names. We're still taking suggestions.


Blogger Chris H said...

I'm guessing your name is Michael, and good luck finding the perfect name for the wee man .... I took forever to name our 4th son (actually our grandson)... and after naming my first 3 boys very traditional names (Russell, Steven and Michael) I chose... Griffin for No 4 ! I wanted something different. I love it.

5:35 PM, May 25, 2007  
Blogger carmachu said...

Hmmmmm, well your wrong on michael, but nice try.

I actually almost like griffin.....hmmmm

5:37 PM, May 25, 2007  
Blogger Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

A smart ass?? YOU??? Not even....


We like Matthew, Luke, John, Paul...oh... and Jack!!

When I was pregnant w/ Matthew... we were planning on having more...
and we were going to name our next boy John Paul or Jack.
But... now I won't be having any more... we'll be fostering instead.

6:13 PM, May 25, 2007  
Blogger David said...

We have a rule that makes things harder than usual: No names from the top 100 popular names list as a first name. Boy names are harder than girl names in the first place. Back when we didn't know that Sadie was a girl we narrowed it down on the boy side to Brady or Levi.

12:40 AM, May 26, 2007  
Blogger carmachu said...


I know, shocking isnt it? Try not to faint....


You're right, boy names ARE harder. We had two full girls names picked out for this one on like week 5. Girls names are so easy.

7:47 AM, May 26, 2007  
Blogger Chris H said...

Griffin... gets called Dude 9 times outta 10 now! But I do love his name, it is different and he's the only Griffin in his school, which is neat.

4:32 PM, May 26, 2007  
Blogger carmachu said...

It does have a nice ring to it....

4:36 PM, May 26, 2007  
Blogger Chris H said...

Talking about kids and what they do to each other... when I was a kid.... my big brother chopped my leg open with an axe... took about 55 stiches to fix it.. then my little brother pushed me down the outside stairs and I landed on a broken bottle... about 30 stitches there... I got him back though! I hit him on the head with the garden hoe... but darn it.. only 3 stitches for him! LOL !!!!! And NO, were loved each other very much... they are both dead from car accidents now, and I would trade any number of stitches to have them back.

10:43 PM, May 26, 2007  
Blogger carmachu said...

I hear that one chris. My sister passed away due to a car accident.

Dont ever tell my mother, but my brother and I would have arrow fights...meaning we'd take the arrows from my father's bow and arrow out ofthe cabinet and throw them at each the house....somehow, no one ever got hurt....

9:19 AM, May 27, 2007  
Blogger Chris H said...

It's driving me bloody nuts... your name... Richard? Must have nothing better to do in my spare moments!

6:39 AM, May 28, 2007  
Blogger carmachu said...

If its driving you nuts, then my work here is done.

no its not richard...

8:05 AM, May 28, 2007  
Blogger Chris H said...

YOU ARE A SHIT! Said in ever such a NICE way of course! lol I give up, unless you want to give us another clue, like how many letters in your name? That would add to the fun.... or would it make it too easy? Like Mark, Harry, Charles, oh darn it....

4:16 PM, May 28, 2007  
Blogger carmachu said...

Come on Chris, you did read number 7 on the list right?


My name has 6 letters. If you truely want to know....go to my profile, and drop me an email when you give up....

I prefer not to give it out, I'm sure you understand...

5:48 PM, May 28, 2007  
Blogger Queen of the Mayhem said...

Most of these we already knew about you.....cheater! :)

Although, I did enjoy learning about your love of books.....I am right there with you! I don't have as much time to read these days....but I still love it!

7:48 PM, May 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey carm..check out the newest A-mom installment. argggggg

9:16 PM, May 28, 2007  
Blogger carmachu said...

Hey queen:

Yes yes, like you havent recycled pot, meet Mr kettle.

Yes I love books. I have a ton, much to the mrs semi-annoyance(she likes books too...just not the clutter it makes)....

But come on....the new folks wanted to know....


I'm coming, I'm coming, something new that we didnt discuss last night?


9:31 PM, May 28, 2007  
Blogger cranky said...

I have shocking taste in boy names...but here are my top 8.

* Rex (ballsy, rough and no nonsense!) Rory, Reuben, Tobias (too scared he'd get called Toby though) Rohan, Rafferty, Fergus, and Dan.

However, it's unlikely that we'll ever have boys. My man works in television, which has some weird arse effect on the sex of your children. Something to do with the radiation you are exposed to.

12:40 AM, May 29, 2007  
Blogger carmachu said...

yes you do. All bad.


I'll run it by the mrs.....and thanks for stopping by.

4:22 PM, May 29, 2007  
Blogger yerdoingitwrong said...

My top fave boys names:


My hubby sorta likes Luke, but that's it from my lisdt so if we have another boy I might be polling you for ideas.

Boys names are way harder!!

12:09 AM, May 30, 2007  
Blogger carmachu said...


Boy names ARE hard. I'll run them through the mrs and see what happens. I doubt we we agree though...

7:54 AM, May 30, 2007  

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