Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Daddy parenting. Lately sarah's been getting a bit tougher to deal with...guess thats that getting older thing.

Right now its that "I'm scared" every night at bed time. So.....when she hears a noise, daddy comes into the bedroom and sits down and explains what the noise is. Even if I have no idea, I make stuff up. Like that noise you hear above you, on the attic or roof? Baby squirels giving each other piggy back rides.....most of the time I know what it is, but if I dont? Make stuff up.....:D

School.....sarah's doing well. Had an incident on the bus, a BOY(man boys are bad), was telling her about something and blood coming out of their eyes and other stuff.....what the heck are his parents doing? Letting him watch stuff like that.

So the mrs calls the school. And the principal(who does rock), had her point out the boy, took them both to the office and sat them down and had a talk. The boy eventually confessed, and was made to apologize...and sarah said "thats ok", to which the principal said "no sarah, thats not ok. When some one says things you dont like you have to use your strong woman voice and tell them no."

Christopher? He's fine. a comlpete boy, if you know what I mean. Finally is rolling over BOTH ways.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the baby squirrel thing. It's cute :) I'm not looking forward to the scared phase.

Poor Sarah :(

9:04 PM, February 14, 2008  
Blogger Queen of the Mayhem said...

The truly sad thing can see things almost this creepy on REGULAR TV! UGH!

Watch out for those boys....bad news...I tell you! (hee-hee)

9:24 PM, February 14, 2008  
Blogger Chris H said...

I'm over my hissy fit, DIET COKE ROCKS is back.

12:22 AM, February 16, 2008  
Blogger Ann(ie) said...

I totally know what you mean about complete boy.

And I like that principal!!

2:26 PM, February 16, 2008  

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