Wednesday, June 21, 2006

And once again

The stupid parents are out breeding us good ones.

Once again, McDonald's. I know, I know, bad food, but she loves the playgrounds there , and its a nice treat.

Anyway: If any of you have been to the more modern MD's, you know the plagrounds screened off so folks cant get to the under/backside where the structure is. Except of course, if you're a 8 year old child. The yuppie father parental figure(You know, stylish suit, pony tail, cell phone glued to ear) was OBLIVIOUS to the child's goings on. He was eitehr drinking his special coffee, reading a paper, or talking non-stop into his cell phone.

*shakes head*

*I* stopped sarah from following suit. I also informed th folks inside as I left. They sent the big bruiser manager out to yell at the child AND parent. Man watching from inside it was amusing to see how FAST he shut his cell phone down and payed attention then. They made the child show them where she got in, which they'll correct by the looks of the arm waving of the manager(to be fair to MD's folks, *I* wouldnt have thought that small gap would fit anyone either. Bet its fixed next time I'm there).

Yuppie left VERY shortly after I did. Wonder if he was asked to leave.....


Blogger happykat said...

great. just great. that kid will prolly grow up to be some miscrient that the rest of us will have to take care of.
**throws up hands**

3:48 PM, June 22, 2006  
Blogger Nikki said...


Get 'em carm!

4:29 PM, June 22, 2006  
Blogger Attila the Mom said...

Ugh, I hate those places.

Especially since my kid was playing in the ball pit and came up with somebody's used diaper.

I mean, c'mon! Your toddler comes out of there without pants and crap streaming down his/her legs and you just leave it for someone else's kids to roll around in?

I'm going over to MDs. Now. Gonna find a yuppie cell phone guy to smack the snot out of. ;-)

1:05 PM, June 27, 2006  

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