We got a fake tree a couple years back, when sarah was a baby, so "just in case" she didnt eat it or something(I forget exactly why). THIS year, Sarah was INSISTING that we get a "real" tree. And considering I'd rather have a real one anyway, and mommy wanted one too......off to get one.
Of course, before we can go, we have to find the stand(you know, the one we stole a couple years ago. No seriously, we found it outside near the dumper at are apartment we use to live at. SO we just took it). Wasnt in the attic, nor basement.....it was outside under the porch. Odd place, but after getting it out with a flashlight and a stick(which of course I had to do, as it was covered in spider webs), and hosing it off(and answering the questions of "why not clean it in the bath tub" which teh response was "I have to clean it outside before I can clean it inside, unless you want pet spiders") we now have a stand.
So we're off.
So when we get there, we wonder around.....get a bit of sticker shock, 'cause its been a while.....and then decide to let sarah pick.
So we wandered around aimlessly, letting the 3 year old(excuse me, 3 and a half year old, as she would correct me), letting her choose. SHE wanted one that was "just her size". So after wandering around for 20 minutes.....she picks one thats in a plotter, thats half her size.
So after a two minute arguement of why she cant have it(and the winning arguement is.....because Santa cant fit all her presents under it)....we keep looking, running down isles and in general cause mischief.
We finally settled on a nice 5' "full" one.
Of course now Sarah wants a star to go on top of it.....as we only have an angel.....but we'll see....