Played another game last night, another smashing victory by top of 3. Brought the camera, but like an idiot, never brought it in from the car.
2067pt gamma lvl recon:
commander with fusion, plasma multitracker.
3 helios suits
(fusion, plasma, multirtacker)
6 stealth suits, bonded
6 stealthsuits, bonded
3 units of 12 firewarriors
17 kroot
8 pathfinders, devilfish, 4 seeker missles
2 broadsides, bonded
sheildgenerator, shal 2 shielddrones
2 broadsides, bonded
sheild generator, shal 2 sheild drones
2 broadsides, bonded
sheild generator, shal 2 sheild drones
Space marines
command squad, tricked out(company champ and a few other odds and ends)
5 terminators, 2 assualtcannons
dreadnaught, assualtcannon
2 10 man tactical squads plasmacannon, plasmagun
10 man tactical, missle launcher plasmagun
10 man scout with a mix of weapons(bolter, sniper, Hbolter)
10 man assualt squad, Pfist, 3 plasmapistols
dev squad 4 Hbolters, razorback with Hbolters
Deployment(yes some of these are out of order, bu it makes better sense):
I lost so I had to drop the fist unit. I put a broadsides all the way right and up near the 15" mark. He dropped a whirlwind opposite behind the building. I dropped the second and third one all the way left in a building. He dropped the Devs middle in a building, and a tactical in a building in front of the whirlwind. All 3 FW sqauds in the big building left near the 15" mark. He deploys the missle tac in the building in front of teh Devs, while the scouts and last tactical across from the FW's 24" back in a ruin building. The dread is there as well, while the Command squad is next to the whirlwind. One stealth suit is all teh way left to the side of a building. Pathfinders are in ruins in teh center, while the devilfish is hidden behind a building. kroot infiltrated in ruins next to teh Broadsides all teh way right.
Didnt take the pregame move, no point.
His assualt squad and terminator squad are in reserve. My Helios, commander and one stealth unit are in reserve.
I won the roll to go first.
So what happened?
Turn 1 tau
Basically a shooting match, which I keep telling him he can win. Broadsides blow up the command rhino(teh explosion kills 3 in teh command, and one in the building). Stun the razorback. Kill 2/3's of the scouts. Pathfinders mark(7 marks) the Devs and bewteen seekers and Broadsides leave one left.
Marines turn 1
Taken back by teh events, he attempts to shoot the broadsides with the whirlwind. I correct him from last game and point out it be better to lay it on the pathfinders or something he can kill. 2 pathfinders die. Hbolter kill 2 more. and that ends his turn(random shooting at the right side broadsides do squat).
Tau turn 2
Stealthsuits show up and drop bewteen the scouts and my fire base. Shooting sees the scouts and remaining Dev go away. The razorback is immobilzied and weapon destroyed. random 2-3 marines die.
Marines turn 2
Realizing(and being told by me and another friend) he cant win a shooting match, he moves folward with command squad. the dread and the marine squad by the dread. Shooting sees the pathfinders brough to half strength by the whirlwind. The deep striking stealth suits get rapidfired to half strength. I lose 4 FW in one squad. All hold due to the ethearal.
Reserves see the assualt squad come in, and in a all or nothing move, DS them behind my lines, to get at the etheral. Scatter sees in move closer to my lines and he loses 4 guys due to placement. Bewteen them they killed off 2 shield drones and a broadside.
Tau turn 3
Everything else shows up. The Helios drop near the assualt squad, teh commander drops dead on right by the whirlwind. Whirlwind dies. Everyone moves closer to the assualt squad. Even at 10 men, 32 rapid firing pulse weapons, 3 broadsides, 9 stealth suits and 3 helios suits would have been more than enough. Dread gets railguned.
He conceeds. H just cant bring enough threats to bear to force a combat. I can deal with anything piecemeal.
Since I let him set the table, he really should have put up more terrain to hide and leapfrog. But he wanted LOS so he got it. But if he can see me, I can see him, and I have a longer range.
He again made the mistake of piecemeal. Once the Hbolters and command rhino were dealt with, there was no pressure to my lines. which means it turns into a shooting match I can win. IF both of the reserves had come in at the same time, I would have had more trouble. But I think I had enough guns.
I have a feeling he's learned his lesson, and I'll either have to deal with a rhino rush or a fast attack rush next time.