Inspired by ,oh the joy's story of her little boy, I thought I tell you about Sarah's adventures.
Much like Joy's little one, Sarah went through they "I'm not a baby anymore. I'm BIG girl." phase, and then asked "When can I drive?"
I said, when she asked a couple months ago "How about now."
So I taught her the basics of driving. Since I have an older car, with no air bags, its a snap to let her sit on my lap, and drive. Obviously she cant work the pedals(yet), so I work the gas and brake and let her steer down the driveway. She does very well. Hasn't hit our house or the neighbors, nor any fences or even driven off the driveway yet. I think she's almost ready for a parking lot.
And its great to drop in a conversation from one of THOSE parents. You parents know who I'm talking about. That parent, who's child can do no wrong, is so advanced that they know how to read before walking, who's going to be the next Einstein, Mark Maguire, Michael Jackson, Jeffrey Dohmer.......You know the one.
That parent "My child can do his multiplication tables, and he's not even in preschool."
Me: "My child can drive a car."
That parent "What?"
It throws them for a loop. Of course there is a BIG down side to teaching her how to drive. In her words:
Sarah "Daddy, now that I know how to drive, when can I get my own car?"