Alright: a nice 2500pt battle DA vs Sisters, Seek & Destroy Omega level.
Forces arrayed:
Commander in terminator armor w/ lightning clawscommand squad of terminators w/ 2 assulat cannons
Chaplin w/ jumppack.
2 drop pod dreads w/ assualt cannon
2 8 man tactical squads w/ plasmagun, Hbolter, Pfist vet
2 8 man tactical squads w/ plasmagun, missle launcher, Pfist vet
2 6 man assualt squads, Pfist vet
2 land speeder tornados
6 man dev w/ 4Hbolters
6 man dev squad with 3 missle launchers
Prediator destructor, autocannon 2 Hbolters.
cannoness, blessed weapon and toys
cannoness, evisorator and toys(jumppacks, inferno pistol, etc)
5 celestians w/ MM
2 16 man sister squads, vet w/ evisorator and book and BP
3 10 man sister squads, vet w/ bolter and book in rhinos.
2 8 man serpahim squads, 2 flamers, vet with book and plasmapistol and CCW
1 7 man serpahim squad, 2 inferno pistols, vet with book and PP & CCW
2 exorcists
ret squad, 7 men, 4 Hbolters, vet with bolter and book.
Village set up. Each corner had a forest, the rest had village buildings, all lvl 3, 10 or so setup like a village.
Mission: seek and destroy, kill each other. 15" deployment, no unit withinn 24" of the other. Omega level, so infantry on the table, everything else in reserve.
Hbolter rets on the far right in the woods, celestians to the right ready to move folward. to the left is a 16 man unit, to the left of them is the other 16 man unit.
DA: my deployment forced him to have only 2 tact units(w/ Hbolters) deployed back, across from teh center 16 man unit. The devs and other 2 tactical squads where all the way to his right(my left) with none of them having LOS to anything, due to the village.
Sisters won the roll to go first. We took it. Of course there were 3 tie rolls of 5,5 then 5,5 then 5,5 then I won with 6,4.
Sister, Turn 1
Due to concealment, nothing really to shoot, so the 16 man sister units move folward. The celestians move folward. Thats it.
DA, Turn 1
His entire right flank has no LOS, so they do nothing. The 2 center units shooting combine to kill 2 sisters. Yea.
Sisters, Turn 2
Reserves. Yea! I get 1 exorcist, 2 serpahim squads(no inferno pistols) the blessed weapon cannoness. Everything moves in on the Retributor side(why give him shots?). Teh sister squads move up again, as do the celestians, the cannoness jumps in all the way right, the serpahimm units to the left of the retributor squads. The exorcist behind teh serpahim.
Not much shoooting. Exorcist rolls 1 shot, nothing there.
DA, Turn 2
He gets 2 assualt squads, and teh chaplin, and a dreadnaught and predator. The chaplin and one squad jump in right across from teh cannoness. The other one behind them. The dread drops behind teh center 16 man unit. yum.
He decides to move up the Hbolter Devs to get LOS to SOMETHING.
Shooting sees couple more sisters die. Ok more than half. With the book, no one cares. easly pass LD test. Predator is ineffective.
Sisters, Turn 3
serpahim unit, exorcist, 2 sister squads in rhinos, cannoness comes in. They all come in the center behind the dread, teh rhinos all teh way left to sneak attack, but hide behind buildings.
Celstains move up to tempt the champlin, the one 16 man unit moves right to help with the chaplin. The seraphim moves around to counter assualt. The center 16 man unit moves back with its evisorator. The cannnoness and seraphim w/ inferno pistols move behind teh dread, as does the exorcist. The bless weapon cannoness moves up to deal with the chpalin, maybe.
Shooting: All but the Pfist and chaplin die.(rets failed a act of faith test) The dread dies, easily. The predator dies, easily.
DA, Turn 3
Terminators arrive, land great due to teleport homer with Chaplin. Right next to the celestians. The chaplin moves past the celestians to the 16 man unit. The other assualt squad moves up and right.
center unit is reduced to 4 girls. Celestians are erased by terminators. Devs shoot the center serpahim, and due to LOS, kill both inferno pistols.
Assualt: Chaplin and assualt marine charge into squad. Many die, but again, due to the book, no one care.
Sisters, Turn 4
Nothing comes in.
Rhino moves up left side, and dumps out in front of the Dev w/ Hbolters. Seraphim move up behind the rhino.
On teh right, rhino moves up centerish. Seraphim move up, one in front of teh terminators, one in front of the assulat squad. The cannoness moves close to the terminators. Teh 4 man sister squad moves to the chaplin combat.
We erase the assualty squad. All the terminators die, except the commander, and sadly again teh exorcist petters out.
In ther center and left, we erase the Hbolter Devs, between teh siter squad and exorcist.
AssualtSo the cannoness goes and handles it. With a bit of help from the acts of faith, we ignore all wounds due to Invulerable 2+, and deal out a wound.
More sisters die, but we dont care due to the book. We are now below 7 sisters at this point, so next close combat, we can use SOTM
DA, Turn 4
Landspeeders arrive. Otehr dread arrives, and drops behind the serpahim and rhino on the left.
He moves up one center squad, to get to grips with the serpahim. Over on other side, another squad moves up to deal with the rhino sisters.
Shooting sees all but 2 sisters die, but they hold(kennyed there). The dread reduces teh serpahim to 3, but they dont care. landspeeder shooting ineffective, no 6's and armor saves easily made
Assualt sees SOTM on the chaplin and the cannoness. Again, cannoness almost doesnt care(takes a wound)but deal s one back. and the center sisters only lose 2 sisters due to fail armor rolls. FINALLY kill the Pfist assualt marine(I apparantly had a faulty evisorator). thoise last 2 rhino sisters die.
Sisters, Turn 5
Last rhino arrives. Yea.
Movement sees the right side rhino move up to the tactical squad that moved up, and the serpahim to the other side. The other seraphim squad moved up to the other tactical squad in the center to deal with it. The center cannoness moved up to the dreadnaught, the seraphim jumped over the rhino to deal some vengence. Center 3 man sister squad moved to the chaplin mess.
Shooting sees the moved up tactical squad erased. Overkill on the back tactical squad(center) sees the Pfist die as well as half the squad. The cannoness only blows a weapon off the dread, which we take the Pfist. Exocist fires a volley of 5 and 2 hits each sees one crash down, one immobile and stunned.
The 3 man seraphim squad shoots the marines left, and kills one.
Serpahim charge on the left. The small sister sqaud charges into the chaplin. A failed SOTM on the cannoess plus dealing no wounds means one dead cannoness with the commander. he consolidates towards the seraphim. Chaplin earses smaller sister squad, but due to the book, no one cared.
Cannoness only stuns the dread. Teh seraphim with a bit of help dont win combat, but with the book, dont care either.
DA Turn 5,
No much left, he moves another tactial squad up left to deal with the seraphim. He moves another tactial squad up to attack the cannoness, who has been beating ineffectively against the dread(its immoble and no arms) She kills 3 guys, but dies to pfist. One lone Pfist serg sweeps. Commander charges the serpahim. SOTM sees no one die, we run away, leaving him wide open.
Chaplin kills nothing but someone finally figures out that you have to turn the evisorator ON, and deals 2 wounds to teh chaplin. Since ATSKNF, and him being outnumbered 4 to 1, he had to take 3 armor saves. 2 failed ones later, one dead chaplin.
Sisters, turn 6
Commander is earased, due to volume of firepower. back tactial squad erased. Pfist guy erased. Dread blownup. landspeeder destroyed.
Over on teh other flank, the srpahim are holding, but finally go down.
There's a turn 7(random turn length), and its fuzzy, but all he has left by the end is the dev squad. he conceeds.
one Dev squad with missle launchers.
2 full rhino squads. 1 full seraphim sqaud, 1 below half squad. 2 exorcists left. Rets left. 1 16 man sisters squad below half.
Solid victory for sisters.
Still not sold on evisorators. 2 attacks at WS 3 isnt great. Books ROCK. Not caring what happens and having LD 9 all the time had him in fits. So did SOTM more than DG. Yeah yeah, you have 6 attacks with a power weapon reroll hits or wounds with 2 characters. I dont care. I get a 3 or a 2+ save anyway, na na na. I think that had him in fits more than anything.